Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Freezer Surprise

As you may guess, this is what ever fruits you find in your freezer.

I have this tendency to throw fruit in a freezer bag in my freezer. Tonight I went looking to see if I could make another Banana and Orange Juice and found half of a banana and random fruit. I beleive most of it was raspberries with a few strawberries for good measure.

Even though I had some bananas on my counter I decided to put all the fruit from the bag in the freezer and add around 3/4 cup of orange juice. I started with a 1/2 c. of juice but added more as I tried to blend all the frozen goodness.

Besides it being yummy, it turned out to be like a sorbet. Thick and nice refreshing taste. I filled up one cup to drink for tomorrow (figure it will defrost more in the fridge) and eating some now. The only issue I have is the blackberry seeds. I am not a fan of all the seeds when juicing blackberries in the blender. I am thinking a NutriBullet would be good for blackberries but that is not in my future right now.

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