Why a failure you ask. No head way with loosing weight. As posted before I joined Weight Watchers. I did well in the beginning but then hit a stand still. Overall I lost 10lbs but no where near what I was hoping for. Disappointed in myself I did not feel like I had anything to share.
So, what has brought me back.
With the break from my day job, it is time to get back on track. The first thing I have done is find me a nutritionist. Not just any nutritionist, but my college friend Dr. Llana Call Smith, chiropractor and nutritionist. Dr. Smith has been practicing in a different state but recently moved to North Carolina close to where I live. It is great to see a Doctor who knows me personally but I am most intrigued in her work with nutrition. Dr. Smith is trained in Nutrition Response Testing and since she first tested on me years ago at a college reunion has had me intrigued.
Yesterday I went for my first Nutrition Response Testing. It took two and half hours. Yes, some was catching up but honestly it did not feel like I had been there that long. Dr. Smith explained every questionnaire and test she performed. She wants you to truly understand your condition and how nutrition can heal your body.
So what did we learn. First, my nervous system is not working like it should. This is made obvious by the sore on my leg that has refused to heal for over a year. Next, my body does not like wheat. I took this one in stride but as I read food labels and think about the foods I enjoy (bread, pasta's and sweets) I am now on the fence. I am going to miss those foods. I am currently missing them right now but the thought of not having the health issues I have and live free of pain would be awesome.
Going gluten-free. So my thoughts on this is go natural. I know I can go buy gluten-free products and from what I hear are tasty but I think my body would appreciate more whole natural food. This starts a research project. First, learn what foods I need to avoid. Breads, pastas, anything made from flour is easy. However, yesterday I was surprised to find wheat in a salad dressing. Really. Why in the world would there be wheat in a dressing.
As I learn what to avoid I plan to find recipes that my family and I to enjoy. I am looking forward to finding new recipes but not getting it past my husband and daughters. They are picky eaters. The key to this will not to tell them what is in it until after they try it.
Here's to the adventure!
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