Thursday, June 18, 2015

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Its been awhile since I last posted. My day job as a teacher and mom has kept me very busy. Not to mention feeling like a failure to my body.

Why a failure you ask. No head way with loosing weight. As posted before I joined Weight Watchers. I did well in the beginning but then hit a stand still. Overall I lost 10lbs but no where near what I was hoping for. Disappointed in myself I did not feel like I had anything to share. 

So, what has brought me back. 
With the break from my day job, it is time to get back on track. The first thing I have done is find me a nutritionist. Not just any nutritionist, but my college friend Dr. Llana Call Smith, chiropractor and nutritionist. Dr. Smith has been practicing in a different state but recently moved to North Carolina close to where I live. It is great to see a Doctor who knows me personally but I am most intrigued in her work with nutrition. Dr. Smith is trained in Nutrition Response Testing and since she first tested on me years ago at a college reunion has had me intrigued. 
Yesterday I went for my first Nutrition Response Testing. It took two and half hours. Yes, some was catching up but honestly it did not feel like I had been there that long. Dr. Smith explained every questionnaire and test she performed. She wants you to truly understand your condition and how nutrition can heal your body. 

So what did we learn. First, my nervous system is not working like it should. This is made obvious by the sore on my leg that has refused to heal for over a year. Next, my body does not like wheat. I took this one in stride but as I read food labels and think about the foods I enjoy (bread, pasta's and sweets) I am now on the fence. I am going to miss those foods. I am currently missing them right now but the thought of not having the health issues I have and live free of pain would be awesome.
Going gluten-free. So my thoughts on this is go natural. I know I can go buy gluten-free products and from what I hear are tasty but I think my body would appreciate more whole natural food. This starts a research project. First, learn what foods I need to avoid. Breads, pastas, anything made from flour is easy. However, yesterday I was surprised to find wheat in a salad dressing. Really. Why in the world would there be wheat in a dressing. 

As I learn what to avoid I plan to find recipes that my family and I to enjoy. I am looking forward to finding new recipes but not getting it past my husband and daughters. They are picky eaters. The key to this will not to tell them what is in it until after they try it. 

Here's to the adventure!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Foods to Eat

I had some time and decided to check out my weight watchers website. Here are some foods that are good for you. Now to remember to eat them and add them into my family meals.

Fats to Eat:
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Trout
  • Healthy oils (like the ones in your Good Health Guidelines: olive, safflower, sunflower, flax seed and canola)
  • Avocados
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Nuts

Carbohydrates to Eat:

  • Whole grains (such as brown rice, 100-percent whole-wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta)
  • Legumes (such as beans and lentils)
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, peas, corn and carrots
  • Fruits
  • Oatmeal
  • Milk products (such as low-fat, non-fat yogurt, milk)
Protein to Eat:
  • Lean cuts of meats
  • Skinless poultry
  • Lean fish and shellfish like cod, halibut, bass, and shrimp
  • Low-fat, non-fat dairy products
  • Legumes (dry beans and peas)
  • Soy products
Fiber to Eat:
  • Fruits, vegetables
  • Légumes (such as beans and lentils)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grains (such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Yummy Juices

I might be on weight watchers but I am still juicing. Below are some that I made and enjoyed this past week. 

Give these yummy juices a try!

Left Right Left

Back in the day. Like over 20 years ago I was in the band.

Oh how I loved band. Since my school was small (above is my H.S. marching band) I got to play lots of things. Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Cymbols, Bells, Keyboard and Piano. I was in it all. Regular band which I guess is called orchestra (we didn't have stringed instruments), marching band, pep band and the jazz band. Trust I am not a musical genius, very mediocre skills, but it didn't stop me from trying. I do think that band (chorus helped too) played a huge part in the wide variety of music I like.

Okay, back to the whole reason I started this blog. I have literally not marched in a band for 20 years now. However, I find that when I walk to music I keep pace with the beet. Yes, I can Left Left Left Right Left to my music. It is crazy how something that was in grained in you as a kid stays with you even as an adult. I must thank Mr. Brooks (my band teacher from 5th grade and up through high school) for teaching me how to march and keep time with my music. It is helping me get back into shape.

Last night and this morning I got on a treadmill and enjoyed over an hour of walking. Here are some of my favorite songs from the workout.
God Bless Texas by Little Texas
Little White Church by Little Big Town
Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham
It Aint Over Til Its Over by Lenny Kravitz (good cool down song)
Just Dance by Lady Gaga
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum
Let it Rock by Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil' Wayne
Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson
Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me by Keith Urban
Boogie Shoes by KC & The Sunshine Band
Last Friday Night (TGIF) by Katty Perry

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ice Walking

It has been since last weekend that I have had an opportunity to go for a walk and really wanted to get one in this morning. I figured that since it stopped raining yesterday morning all would be nice. Nope, I was surprised to find ice on the sidewalks and road. Had to be careful in some places but I still got my walk in.

Of course I had my music with me. I started off the walk right with Nowhere to Run by Martha Reeves and The Vandellas. I love music from this era.

The next few songs I like, bring back good memories or just fun to sing but they didn't get me excited about my walk. That is, until I got to Movin' on Up by M People. I love this song! Always brings back to MTV's The Grind exercise videos with Eric Nies.

I am so tickled, I found my favorite Grind Workout. Brings back memories of college and my first years out on my own. I will have to show this video to my daughters and have them workout with me this week.

Towards the end of my walk What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong came on. This song came on at the right time. I was cresting a hill, sucking in wind and needed to start my cool down towards my house. Calmed me down, such a relaxing song. As I got in my house Macarena by Los Del Rio came on. This will be my next song the next time I go for a walk. It could be interesting as i am sure I will do the Macarena moves. As I think about it, I will also have to introduce this song/video to my daughters. It would be a fun workout.
Time to get serious about my walking! My school district's 2nd annual 5k is coming up in March. My husband and I talked and we plan to sign up our whole family and walk the entire 5k. Our daughters can run if they want but me and my husband are not runners, yet.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


I love music. All kinds. If you were to look at my ipod, you would find a wide range of music from classical to rap. For me, music can take you back to great memories, calm the soul and pep you up to get moving.

The past few weeks I have been enjoying dancing with my girls at night. We have a Wii and have been dancing away to Just Dance games. If you don't have a Wii, check out youtube. I think every song from every Just Dance is on there. I am not the greatest dancer. Honestly, I do not like to dance in public due to me thinking I look like Elaine from Seinfield.

I should follow the motto on the poster but I do prefer busting my moves in the privacy of my home. If you love to dance, try Just Dance. Puts a smile on your face and you get some great exercise.

As I said early, music peps you up. The past two mornings I have taken a walk in my neighborhood with my music in tow. Below are some great songs that got me a moving, dancing and singing. Yes, someone could have seen or listened to me but luckily not many folks are out at 7am on the weekends.

Its crazy how God works. This morning when I went on a walk I thought about this blog for music. I started the blog before heading to church. Our church always has music playing outside as you walk up to the church. There is of course the music before the sermon. Our band is made up with guitars, drums, electric piano and occasionally a soprano saxophone. The band can rock and today they did just did that. Today's music was awesome! Totally pepped us up for today's sermon and open to hear God's word. I wish I knew the songs we sang so I could share with you but unfortunately I do not. 

What's your favorite music to get you going?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Crunchy Florida Shrimp Roll

Due to some errands that needed to be run, we planned to go out to dinner as a family. It was decided that we would go to Asian Cafe.

Because I wanted to stay in my points I researched last night what I could eat and stay in my point value for the day. I decided on the Mico Combo which included the Miso Soup, California Roll, Tuna Roll and Yellowtail Roll. All racked up to be a total of 12 points.

What I did not plan on is my family all ordering bento boxes. I am really the only one who likes sushi and so I was really excited about all the sushi I would have for lunch. Unfortunately, I didn't count on my husband and one of my daughters ordering the Crunchy Florida Roll.

At the restaurant I ate about four of their pieces as well as a a bite of bang shrimp and crab salad, which I have learned is Kani Salad with some internet searching. I am all proud of myself thinking I did well and had points to spare.

Then I get home. I begin planning out tomorrows meals. Tomorrow's lunch, yes, left over sushi rolls, especially those darn Crunchy Shrimp Rolls. Holly mollie, a roll is 13 points! 13! That is more than I eat during a normal meal.

So what did I do with this info. Got mad, frustrated and threw in the towel. Yep, ended up eating all the remaining Crunchy Shrimp Rolls. Now isn't that crazy. In my mind I wanted to just get rid of them, in my tummy that is, and not go over my points tomorrow.

Even though I wanted to through in the towel I still logged my points. Yes, my daily points were high but I was still left with many of my extra weekly points.

What did I learn, stop freaking out and just own my actions. All will work out in the end.