Monday, January 12, 2015

Very Annoyed @ Etools

Today was my first official day of weight watchers. I was tickled I lost 3 lbs this last week. WooHoo for me! I am back in the 250's. Makes me so happy.

The meeting, it was okay. Nothing major about it. Just another generic meeting of we are getting started.  What I was really excited about was my etools voucher. I was looking forward to setting up my account and get cracking at logging my food, building recipes and adding my vivofit to my account. Unfortunately, when I went to set up my account I had some computer error and now waiting on their customer support to get back with me. Unfortunately, I am very impatient and want to get going on setting up my etools. So annoyed about it all that I want to cry and feel my body tensing up. Have I ever mentioned I suffer from depression. Yeah, it is kicking in right now.

I hate feeling this way. I am letting my frustration take out the joy of, I lost 3 lbs. I shouldn't let it get me upset, I should do some Just Dance with my daughters or something to get me moving.

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