Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 33 - What a Week!

Wow, I just realized I have been juicing a full month now. Going at weight loss on my own this is the best I have done.

To recap my goals:

  • Drink two+ juices a day.
  • Drink water after each cup of juice. 
  • Eat a meal at night
  • Give up Caffeine
  • Exercise
Overall I think I have done great. Weekends is where I struggle the most getting in my two juices. This past month I usually only get one juice in on the weekends due to eating out with the family on our outings. I did great going without caffeine until these past few days. I made it to day 31 and I caved. I wanted to eat out at a favorite restaurant of mine, Afton Tavern, and wanted their sweet tea which was one of my favorites. Can I tell you how disappointed I was when I took my first drink of tea. It so did not live up to what I thought. 

Due to me having broken my caffeine withdrawal the next night I had some more. It was meant to be a Pepsi but I when I took my big gulp from the BoJangles cup I found sweat tea. UGHH. I was looking forward to the pepsi, well the carbonation, after the frustrating day I had with Discovery Education (me and the assessment section are not getting along). Now I know that Discovery Education (DE) was not my true downfall. My mood dropped drastically. I suffer from depression and between that and my period (which hasn't started) I felt like I was extremely frustrated with DE, my long to do list (still long) and my body. I hate feeling emotional and once I finally got home (late due to work and the crazy BoJangles) I went and hid in my room to watch Sherlock Holmes (love love love this show) and Sister Wives (fascinated by this family but don't want to live that lifestyle). 

Today I had another crazy day but my emotions were in check. Even though I was exhausted after a day of getting kids online taking a quiz on DE and then changing their powerschool passwords I did not have a melt down. Instead I worked until my husband got to the school where we then went out as a family. This meant leaving my classroom in a mess, but I resigned myself I would go in early in the morning and work until Cannon Pharmacy (where we get our medicines from now) opens and then off to the Farmers Market. I am looking forward to the later. Looking forward to what I can find and especially picking up some homemade Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing. 

So where did I end up:
  •  I lost 7 lbs in 33 days. I think that is great accomplishment and look forward to seeing what I can do in the next month. 
  • I do plan to go back to giving up caffeine. I do think this has done wonders for me overall. 
  • I didn't get really any exercise in except for what I get walking around my classroom and school. I do hope that I will calm down with school work, catch up on my home projects and get into the groove of exercise again. The one I really want to start up again is yoga. 

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