Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 35 - Taco Night

My family has been requesting mexican night for weeks now. So I indulged them and we had tacos (soft and hard), queso cheese, black beans, pinto beans, refried beans and spanish rice. It was a great meal but can you guess our little family of four had left overs.

What to do, could eat for leftovers, freeze, or make something new. New it was, Chili. Mixed in all the beans (even refried), hamburger meat, chopped onions and cilantro. In my freezer I had some green peppers I cut up last weekend. And pulled out a can of diced tomatoes from the pantry. Looked so yummy but one problem. It was really thick. Well this was not so much a problem for me but my husband. To make him happy we needed some more juice. So I juiced.

Yes, I made the Original V-8 Juice, and added it to our chili. In my opinion it looks soupy but still looks good. Can't wait to have the chili tomorrow night for dinner. All of it is currently marinating in the fridge for my husband to put on the stove for dinner.

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