Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 3 - Crossing from horrible to do able.

This morning and I woke up feeling like crap. My right shoulder and up to my head was throbbing. Back to the heating pad for me.

Today was my errand day and the last thing I wanted to do was leave the house but I finally gathered myself and my children up. First I took the maxalt! This is my migraine medicine and thank the lord it started in and took out the headache.

Because we were leaving late and had numerous errands to run I was prepared and brought my juice and a frozen juice with me. This was the best thing ever! I had pre-made some juices a week or so ago and froze them. By the time I finished my first juice and started on water the other was defrosting to start drinking.

To treat my girls I took them to McDonalds for lunch but mostly to play on the playground they have. I walked in with my juice and kept to it. That is right. I didn't eat one french fry, pickle, or drink any soda. This was hard but I am so proud of myself for doing it.

When all was finished my headache was gone but I was tired. I put up all I had to and after that I was down on the couch. My new favorite show is the Wahlburg's. I have now watched 6 episodes this afternoon.

No Caffeine - 3 days

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