Thursday, August 14, 2014

Joe's Mean Green Juice Recipe

Joes's Mean Green Juice
  • 16 kale Leaves
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 8 celery sticks
  • 4 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 in. piece of fresh root ginger
  1. Clean all vegetables and fruit.
  2. Peel the lemon.
  3. Depending on the size of your apples you may need to cut them in half or in thirds to place them in the juicer.
  4. Juice and enjoy
This recipe comes from Reboot with Joe. If you didn't know Joe is the star of Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and has created a website to help others interested in juicing. If you have not seen the documentary, I highly suggest you do. If you have have Netflix, you can watch the documentary there. 

I would like to note that I do majority of my shopping at Aldi's. Those of you not familiar with Aldi's, it is a small grocery store that keeps cost low due to fewer staff and not that many choices as you would have at a chain grocery store (aka Harris Teeter (double coupon up to $2 this week), Hy-Vee, Giant Foods, Wal-mart, etc). Because of Aldi's limited choices they do not sell kale leaves. However, they do sale Kale Greens which is kale in the form of salad. Because I like to save money I buy the Kale Greens and treat one handful as a leaf. Now, I will admit that every handful is not the same. Also, the air from the juicer can send kale greens flying. To help with this issue I have started to stuff the chute with kale greens before I turn on the juicer. I do not push it down to the blades but just down to where the chute ends. Once the chute is filled I turn on the juicer and use the plunger to push the kale down to the blades. To help get the little pieces stuck in the chute I put in a different vegetable/fruit before putting in more kale. 

Speaking of how I juice my kale I have learned that my ginger (dust particles) is flying out after dropping it in the chute. To help with this I am mixing it with other fruits and vegetables so that as much as possible can be contained within my juice and container (for easy cleanup). 

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