Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Full of Kale-Cium

  • Apple - 1 medium
  • Carrots - 3 medium 
  • Cilantro - 1 handful 
  • Collard Greens - 1 cup, chopped 
  • Kale - 4 leaf 
  • Pepper (sweet red) - 1 medium


Process all ingredients in a juicer, shake or stir and serve.
Thanks to JuiceRecipes.com I learned that "Kale is rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron. This makes it perfect for juicing!" Awesome, my last blood test showed my iron being low and slightly anemic. I was told to take iron supplements. Even though I am taking the supplements I love that most of the juices I have made contain kale. Hopefully, I will be off the supplements at my next doctors appointment. Speaking of, anyone know of a good one around Concord, North Carolina?
Again there was a twist on my the recipe. I thought I could buy collard greens at Aldi's but  could not find any. Because I had a migraine and knew my family was also tired I did not push it to go to another store. Instead I replaced the collard greens with some spinach I had in the fridge. 
I have not tried this juice. This will be my morning juice tomorrow with another dose of Sunset Blend (made two glasses) for lunch.

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