Thursday, August 14, 2014

Pine-Lime-Lemon Juice Recipe

Pine-Lime-Lemon Juice

  • 1/4 medium pineapple
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
Peel the lemon and remove the outer shell of the pineapple. Add all ingredients to juicer and enjoy.

This recipe is thanks to Reboot with Joe that has plans and recipes that you can print for free. This is a great resource if you are thinking of juicing. Check out the link for the recipe for I have noticed an error on my print out (lime not listed) as well as substitutions you could make for the different fruits and vegetables.

I made the Pine-Lime-Lemon Juice recipe last week and put it in a water bottle that I froze. Yesterday I randomly grabbed the water bottle from the freezer. I let it thaw on its own as my girls and I ran errands. It turned out great. When I had finished my other juice and started on water the Pine-Lime-Lemon Juice had begun to thaw enough for me to drink. One of my daughters thought it was great that I had made my own slushy. When I was drinking it, I didn't think it had the texture of a slushy but it was nice and cold on a summer day. Very refreshing. 

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